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Lecture title

Describe the lecture in high level language

Course material

Link to course presentation: fill in correct link Link to repository : fill in correct link


Target group: You would like to be involved (or start your own project) in coming and ongoing research projects and product development that involves machine learning

Method: Classroom (with teams) lecture, live coding - presenter and participators, technical exercises

Duration: 3 hours

Language: Lecturing in English, coding mainly in Python

Evaluation: Exam (with certificate) at the end of the series

Course topics: In this course we will go through - write my topics here


To follow the content in this lecture you need to know - Describe relevant courses taken before - Familiarity with terminal - Fill in more

Learning objectives

After this course you will know:

  • Write what you will know after the course


This episode was developed by

  • Creator(s): fill in name(s)
  • Contributor(s): fill in name(s)
  • Maintainers(s): fill in name(s)