That’s where you should start.

NordicESMhub maintains a CTSM repository with all the configuration files for running on machines in the Nordics. For now we support:

  • saga (sigma2, Norway)

  • fram (sigma2, Norway)

If your machine is not in the list and you would like us to support it, please contact us.

For compatibility, load git version 2.23.0 or higher on your super computer


How to get CTSM (for users)

To get the FATES EMERALD platform version, CLONE from NordicESM hub

git clone -b release-clm5.0 ${HOME}/ctsm_fates_emerald

In this example we are checking out the release-clm5.0 tag and create a new local branch (recomended). The destination of the checkout is a directoy (e.g. ctsm_fates_emerald) in our home directory.

How to get a specific branch

Change into the created ctsm directory

cd ${HOME}/ctsm_fates_emerald

Check all existing branches

git branch --all

To checkout the FATES EMERALD platform (in this example release 2.0.1) into a new local branch (e.g. new_branch_name)

git checkout release-emerald-platform2.0.1 -b new_branch_name

For later reference, it is usefull to choose new_branch_name according to function and include the version and your username, e.g. username_release-emerald-platform2.0.1.

To fetch the proper externals (CIME, FATES, etc.) run


from the main ctsm directory (we are going to call this $CTSM_ROOT from now on). All should be set by this and you should be able to create your first case.

Which branch do I run?

How to get CTSM (for developers)

Dependent on which project you wish to contribute to you might want to start your development from different versions of CTSM. For the CLM-Norway team we have to mainly two startingpoints:

  • The NordicESM-hub (note that this is a project for developers in the Nordics)

  • The latest version of the original CTSM (this is the original version of CTSM developed by NCAR)

From the NordicESM-hub

Follow the steps above, but checkout the fates_emerald_api instead

git checkout fates_emerald_api -b new_branch_name

For later reference, it is usefull to choose new_branch_name according to function and include the version and your username, e.g. username_fates_emerald_api. After checking out the externals, change to cime directory and create your own branch to record all your changes

cd externals/cime
git checkout -b username_cime

Change to fates directory and create your own branch to record all your changes

cd externals/fates
git checkout -b username_fates

If you do not create your own branch for «cime» and «fates», running «./manage_externals/checkout_externals», will overwrite your previous «cime» and «fates». You should be ready to create your first case.

From the latest version of CTSM

This tutorial assumes that you are logged into one of the clusters (fram or saga) at sigma2. For access to those see (future referance to prerequisites section).

Start from your home folder


Clone CTSM from ESCOMP

git clone --origin escomp CTSM

Change into the new directory


Create a local branch

git checkout master -b my_branch_name

For later reference, it is usefull to choose my_branch_name according to function and include the version and your username.

To fetch the proper externals (CIME, FATES, etc.) run


Porting of cime

Now you need to add machine specifics for the norwegian clusters. This can be done in two ways(check the original documentation for a more detailed explanation):

    1. You can replace some default configuration files with configuration files that contain details for these clusters.

    1. You can create a .cime folder with the machine configurations under your home diretory.

For method (1) above execute the following steps:

cd cime/config/cesm/machines

Delete the default files

rm config_machines.xml config_batch.xml config_compilers.xml

Fetch replacementfiles from this repository

git init
git remote add origin
git pull origin main

For method (2) above:

Clone this repository and consult the file for details for making a new case.